elgaid59 عضو ذهبي
عدد المساهمات : 9744 نقاط : 37937 تاريخ التسجيل : 21/08/2007
| موضوع: PhotoFiltre Studio X10.6.2 2/7/2012, 18:11 | |
| ...... --------------------------------------------------------------------------PhotoFiltre Studio X10.6.2--------------------------------------------------------------------------★برنامج تصميم صغير الحجم ومميز، يناسب المبتدئين والمحترفين في المجـــال علــى حد سواء .. يساعــدكـ على إنــشاء وتحرير الصور، بشكــل سهل وواضح، مما يجعله بديلا جيدا عن الفوتوشوب يدعم البرنامج مجموعة كبيرة من الفلاتر، فضلا عن تمكينك من التـــلاعبــ بالصور بأسلوب فعال وسريع. ____________________________________Most computer users find Adobe's Photoshop quite difficult to use and although it can help them achieve impressive results, many of them simply avoid using it.
A good replacement could be PhotoFiltre Studio X, a software dedicated to the same goals, namely improving the quality of your photos and providing a powerful solution for picture retouching.
The interface of the application is a complex one, with tools and buttons everywhere you look, so you might need some time to get used to it. The standard editing features you would expect are included, as well as an impressive collection of effects, masks and adjustments.
Of course, PhotoFiltre Studio X can help you a lot not only if you intend to do simple things such as resizing, cropping or adding transparency. The utility is also quite handy if you dream about more complex tasks such as color adjusting, applying effects or working with layers. ____________________________________| دروس (فيديو) التصميم الخاصة بالبرنامج || معلومات التفعيل |
Name: Mulder s/n: 7BB47-65373-8C4A7-FB57Aمنقول من المشاغب | |